
Upcoming Events

Annual Melanoma Scientific Updates Patient Symposium
July 16, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm PDT

Hosted by: Dr. Adil Daud, Dr. Katy Tsai, Dr. James Lee, and Dr. Jason Chan (UCSF)

Presentations Discussion: Dr. Nathan Scott, Dr. Greg Daniels, and Dr. Soo Park (UCSD); Dr. Warren Chow (UCI)

Register in advance for this meeting:



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UCMSCC Non-Melanoma Symposium, August 23, 2023
This virtual presentation with the medical experts in the field of skin cancer at the University of California Cancer Consortium is for nonmelanoma skin cancer patients, family members, and loved ones. 

Living With Melanoma Patient Symposium February 2023Inaugural UCMSCC Meeting, February 4, 2023
Hosted by the AIM At Melanoma Foundation and UCMSCC
Host and Moderator Adil Daud, MD, UCSF
In person and virtual event
Scientific Breakthroughs and Clinical Trials

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We had the inaugural UCMSCC meeting with members including Dr Califano, Dr Susan Swetter (Stanford) and Dr Reddy (Stanford) and Dr Kim (CPMC). UCSF scientists Dr Krummel and Dr Maker were also in attendance. The meeting started with a review of melanoma surgery and dermatology availability in URM populations by Dr Swetter. She also has a survey that she asked UCMSCC to participate in and we will do that and help spread awareness and increase access to URM especially farmworkers who may not have access to melanoma services.

The next speaker was Dr Krummel and he discussed his latest paper discussing archetypes in cancer reflecting different immune environments and we discussed a proposal to combine this with neoadjvant therapy. The plan is for Dr Soo Park to investigate these and submit proposals to the UCMSCC and to potential funders.

The next speaker was Dr Tsai and the plan is to target Kit mutant melanoma for which she has a trial – currently undergoing activation across UCMSCC

Dr Daud discussed the quad checkpoint Xencor trial – undergoing activation and potentially UCMSCC wide activation. This is a novel study targeting CTLA4, PD-1, Lag-3 and ICOS and specifically examining patients with CNS metastasis which is a significant unmet need

We also discussed other ideas for clinical trials including non-melanoma skin cancer.

Watch the Feb 2023 UCMSCCC Meeting